Our goal is to provide members deeper exposure to tech companies and startups across a variety of industries. Our treks provide a platform for students and companies to interact in a more intimate setting.
Historically, we’ve led treks to both New York and the West Coast (San Francisco Bay Area and Seattle).
Big Tech Treks
Tech Club organizes annual treks to New York and the West Coast, focusing on company visits with a variety of established tech players.
Treks last year included visits to the largest tech companies: Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Amazon, as well as smaller companies such as Zillow, Slack, AirBNB, and Uber.
Startup Treks
With increasing interest in startup recruiting among Tech Club members, this trek aims to connect students to the hottest startups in the San Francisco Bay Area. Each year, the club spends two days visiting a wide range of tech startups in all stages of development and all industries. In the past two years, trek participants have visited companies such as Airbnb, Eventbrite, URX, Coursera, Stripe, Zenefits, and Pebble.
New York City now boasts the highest overall amount of startup funding outside of the San Francisco Bay Area. Tech Club also organizes a startup trek to New York City each year.
Trek Dates
We are still planning treks for the upcoming year, COVID-19 allowing. To give you an idea, the treks for the 2019-2020 school year were as follows:
Big Tech NYC - Friday, Nov 1
Big Tech West (Seattle & SF) - Friday, Dec 6th - Tuesday, Dec 10th
SF Startup Trek - Thursday and Friday, February 20 - 21
NYC Startup Trek - Friday, February 28
Stay tuned for more information and application details in the coming months
new york big tech trek - facebook
new york big tech trek - linkedin